June 16, 2015
This review This review by NRC is definitely not the most positive article written about me and my photographic body of work Mannen met potentie (Men With Potential). Though journalist Sterre van der Hee seems to be the only journalist so far who realizes there has to be more to these series than facts like being naked and sometimes intimtae with guys. By pointing out my academic background and underlining my experience with clients like Volkskrant Magazine and NRC Next Van der Hee criticises my incapability to state, i.e., something about the aesthetics of the project, or what I want to communicate with these images. I did lose control over the interview in the Jinek episode as have struggled a lot with explaining my work, but I am happy Van der Hee expected more of me. And so I will try to keep on evolving in my work and making it legit.